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09/2024 - The Situation of Hindus in Bangladesh: An Examination of Attacks and State Response

Over the past few years, Bangladesh has experienced a concerning increase in acts of violence targeting its Hindu minority community. The present paper examines the position of Hindus in Bangladesh, with a specific emphasis on the characteristics of the attacks, the involvement of extremist organisations, the reaction of the state, and the wider consequences for the community. The objective of this article is to offer a thorough comprehension of the difficulties encountered by Hindus in Bangladesh at present by analysing several facets of the problem.
Analysis of Attack Frequency and Characteristics


More recent reports suggest a surge in assaults specifically aimed at Hindus in Bangladesh. These attacks encompass acts of physical aggression, destruction of temples, and intimidation of Hindu persons. According to a 2023 report by the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, there has been a significant increase in instances of violence targeting Hindus, with more than 50 significant assaults documented in the previous year alone (Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, 2023). Frequent outbreaks of violence occur during religious holidays or periods of political turmoil, underscoring a concerning pattern of deliberate hostility.

Function of Extremist Organisations
Extremist factions exert a substantial influence in the systematic oppression upon Hindus. Acts of violence have been attributed to organisations such as Jamaat-e-Islami and many local extremist networks. These groups frequently rationalise their activities by drawing on radical interpretations of Islam and harbouring anti-Hindu feelings. An analysis conducted by the International Crisis Group in 2022 identifies these radical groups as key participants in planning and carrying out assaults against Hindu communities, motivated by a goal to establish religious supremacy and political sway (International Crisis Group, 2022).

Analysis of State Response and Accountability
Adequacy of the Bangladeshi government's response to violence against Hindus has been subject to criticism. Although there exist legislation aimed at safeguarding religious minorities, the implementation of these regulations is frequently inadequate. Studies by Human Rights Watch (2023) reveal that law enforcement and other governmental entities often fall short in their efforts to thoroughly investigate or prosecute assaults, resulting in a feeling of impunity among the offenders (Human Rights Watch, 2023). The government's dedication to tackling these concerns has been called into doubt, since detractors contend that political factors frequently eclipse the safeguarding of minority rights.

Empirical Effects on Hindu Communities
The ramifications of these assaults on Hindu communities are deeply significant. Across social, economic, and psychological dimensions, the consequences are catastrophic. A significant number of Hindus are compelled to leave their residences, resulting in internal displacement and a refugee crisis. Furthermore, economic upheavals occur when Hindu-owned enterprises are specifically targeted and then destroyed. From a psychological standpoint, the trauma endured by victims is profound, often resulting in enduring mental health disabilities. A poll conducted in 2022 by the Dhaka Tribune revealed that more than 40% of Hindu families that were uprooted had significant psychological anguish (Dhaka Tribune, 2022).

Jurisprudential and Human Rights Structure
In Bangladesh, there exist legal structures designed to safeguard religious minorities, which include the constitutional provisions that ensure equal rights and freedom of religion. Nevertheless, these regulations are frequently lacking in effective enforcement. The efficacy of the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh in intervening in instances of religious violence has been subject to criticism. The international community has also voiced apprehensions, as evidenced by studies from Amnesty International (2023) that underscore the disparities between legislative provisions and their actual implementation (Amnesty International, 2023).
Analysis of Media and Public Perception
The portrayal of violence against Hindus in the media exhibits significant variation. While domestic media may occasionally underreport or disregard these events, international media coverage generally highlights the magnitude and brutality of the attacks. Within Bangladesh, the public perception of Hindu victims is multifaceted, characterised by different degrees of sympathy and understanding. The depiction in media can have a substantial impact on public opinion and the reaction of the government.

Analysis of Historical Background and Patterns
A comprehensive analysis of the present circumstances necessitates the examination of past trends of minority persecution in Bangladesh. Throughout history, there has been systematic prejudice and brutality towards religious minorities, such as Hindus. The enduring impact of the 1971 Liberation War, characterised by substantial brutality, continues to shape present-day attitudes and conflicts. This historical background elucidates the enduring presence of religious intolerance and violence in Bangladesh.

An Analysis of Religious and Cultural Dynamics
In the targeting of Hindu populations, religious and cultural dynamics are of paramount importance. Extremist religious beliefs and cultural biases are contributing factors to the violence. Religious leaders and organisations from both ends of the political spectrum have the ability to either alleviate or intensify animosities. The contribution of moderate religious leaders in fostering tolerance and cohabitation is crucial, but it is frequently eclipsed by the prominence of more radical voices.

International Reaction and Diplomatic Relations
The international community has engaged to different extents in response. Although certain nations and organisations have denounced the violence and urged for intervention, others have been less outspoken. diplomatic initiatives aimed at resolving the issue involve the active promotion of human rights organisations and the application of international pressure on the government of Bangladesh. Nevertheless, the efficacy of these strategies in instigating substantial transformation continues to be a topic of contention.

Assessment of Community Resilience and Adaptation
Even in the face of hardship, Hindu communities in Bangladesh have demonstrated extraordinary fortitude. Numerous organisations and activists are actively engaged in advocating for the rights and safety of minority groups. These endeavours encompass activities such as legal aid, community support programmes, and international advocacy. The Hindu population's capacity to navigate and address the issues they encounter is crucially dependent on their resilience and adaptability.

In conclusion,
Significant issues characterise the condition of Hindus in Bangladesh, including targeted violence, insufficient state reaction, and wider societal consequences. A comprehensive analysis of these problems necessitates a multidimensional strategy, taking into account the involvement of extremist organisations, the efficacy of legal structures, and the historical and cultural backdrop. Sustained focus and proactive measures from both domestic and global stakeholders are crucial for enhancing the security and protect the rights of Hindu minority in Bangladesh.
2023 Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council. This paper presents an analysis of the attacks targeting Hindus in Bangladesh.
International Crisis Group. (2022). Comprehensive Analysis of Extremist Groups and Their Influence.
Publication: Human Rights Watch (2023). This paper presents an analysis of the state response to religious violence.
• Dhaka Tribune. (2022). Investigation of the Psychological Effects on Hindu Families Forced to Displacement.
AMnesty International. (2023). [Report on Legal Safeguards and Fundamental Human Rights].


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